Sunday, August 30, 2009
Mark Kirk has Assues
Merchant of Death Hired by Cheney in Deep Shit
Former Governor and Presidential Looser wannabe Reverend Mike Huckabee needs to go back to his roots and read the book of his first choice of careers. He can start with Matthew chapter 6 verse 24: NO MAN CAN SERVE TWO MASTERS.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Former Nazi Youth & Chief Boy Toucher Not a Fan of Senator Kennedy
Hmmm...They make a lot of things disappear, like pedophile priests. These guys are like the dickless relocation program.
Anybody know the only sovereign nation that has no female citizens? That’s right ladies and gents, it’s The Vatican. What are they afraid of?
Thursday, August 27, 2009
McSame Old Shit
Wow. I could just cry. The eventual end of private insurers in the U.S. How devastating! No more noble captains of industry, earning every penny of their 100k a day, watching after the sick. *SNIF*
Patriot Majority
These guys are serious. Hey, why bother taking all three branches if you're not gonna do anyting with it?
“REAL healthcare reform will make America a stronger country. That’s why Congress has a patriotic duty to pass healthcare reform that includes a strong public option.
“The battle lines are drawn. Republican leaders, rightwingers and insurance companies are trying to kill real healthcare reform.
“This is what you can do to fight back.
“Call your Senator and Member of Congress TODAY at 202-224-3121. Tell them to support healthcare reform with…one, a strong public option…two, an employer mandate…and three, no tax on healthcare benefits."
5 Myths About Health Care Around the World
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
FreedomWorks is NOT free!
I went on to where you can donate, and came across some interest things. They claim they are a "...nonprofit, nonpartisan education and advocacy organization". Nonpartisan must mean this: the organization is headed by former House Majority Leader Dick Armey, otherwise known in Germany as Schwanz Coastguard, House Majority Leader under the Repugnican control. The president of FreedomWorks is none other than Matt Kibbe, former Chief of Staff and House Budget Committee Assoc. for U.S. Representative Dan Miller (R-FL), from 1993 to 1996. Kibbe is the same guy who was quoted in Politics Daily (posted 8/10/09) in regards to inciting Health Care chaos as saying that his people were "not nearly as rowdy as a high school football game". Nonpartisan, my Ass!
Going back to the donations page of the site: for $100, you can be in the Ronald Reagan Circle. For $500, you can be in the Barry Goldwater Circle. Readers, I'm sure that neither Barry Goldwater, nor running mate William Miller, father of liberal talk show host Stephanie Miller, would want anything to do with a site that allows an ad that depicts the President of the United States as Hitler.
Another thing; guess who said, "Folks, you've got to get to know this organization. They have been doing a great job all over the country educating people"? Good old former President George Dubya Bush. And he would know, he knows good edumacation, 'cause "Children's do learn"!
Nonpartisan? Yeah, right.
People, don't be fooled. "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice...we won't get fooled again"! I wonder if The Who ever collected on royalties for that flub.
This talk about the government coming between you and your doctor? Really? What do you think that the insurance companies have been doing all this time, as anyone with a pre-existing condition will tell you. We are the only industrialized nation on this big rock that doesn't have a public health care OPTION. What was that word? Oh, yeah, OPTION: that thing that means you get to CHOOSE. Young people, this DIRECTLY involves you, because you guys won't be able to afford it when you decide to have a kid, if you want it done in a hospital. Unless you are rich. And old people- If you don't want socialized medicine, DROP YOUR MEDICARE! Because what do you think that Medicare is? It's government-run health care! Do you understand that? People like Sen. John McCain has been on it for quite some time now. As are the majority of government workers. They use public, government-run health care! Get it? If you don't, I'd suggest you quit watching Glen Beck.
Stab at them with their own Sword
— Ted Kennedy
Socialized Slapdown Challenge - Hannity is My Bitch!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Conservative Economist: The person the screamers should be angry with left the White House seven months ago
The Teabaggers are pissed at the wrong guy.
the healthcare reform clusterfuck
Then in my regular voice “why would a Christian ask you to LIE?”
… she hung up.
Mathematically speaking, if any part of an equation is wrong the whole equation is wrong. Therefore, if any part of a statement is a lie, the whole statement is a lie.
If you have to abandon facts for your own ego, you’ve lost.
If you have to lie to support your side of an argument, you’ve already lost.